Originally Posted by Hils
Has anyone out there skipped 8th grade (or has a child that has)? How were the adjustments?
Possibly the question might be less about which grade(s) were skipped, and more about how many grades were successfully skipped?
In other words, whether others have had success with multiple grade skips?
What were the issues (positive/negative impacts) experienced by a child who was 12 as a high school freshman?

Yes. It can work quite well. smile
Until others chime in, there are many anecdotes and resources linked in this acceleration roundup.

Originally Posted by Hils
does anyone know what would be the implications of moving up to high school and then changing school districts (to another state). If we ended up back in VA in two years, could he go back a year if he needed the credits to graduate?
This may be best answered by checking each State's High School graduation requirements, as well as the entrance requirements for any college/university your child wishes to apply to. Some possible links to help you begin your research:

1) California High School graduation requirements - https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/gs/hs/hsgrgen.asp

2) Virginia High School graduation requirements -

3) There are many excellent resources available to assist parents and/or high school students with creating a high school transcript. Creating such records can be helpful in suggesting (or advocating for) course substitutions to bridge any potential gaps in graduation requirements between districts or States. A few links to get you started:
- Article on Davidson Database: https://www.davidsongifted.org/Search-Database/entry/A10631
- A to Z homeschooling: https://a2zhomeschooling.com/teens/homeschool_transcripts_template/
- HSLDA: https://hslda.org/content/highschool/academics.asp#transcripts

Originally Posted by Hils
Are there age requirements to participate in sports?
This may be best answered by reading up on your State's High School Interscholatic Athletic Association. I believe the current link for California's is: http://www.cifstate.org/landing/index