Thank you - indigo and aeh (you are always on point and great with resources and suggestions)

I'm not sure what testing would be expected by the school district to grade skip, but I suggested to my son that he should think about it and make a decision soon.... the further into the school year, the harder the transition (I think.) I'm on board with letting him make the decision... maybe even see if the Jr. High could let him take a day to see what high school is like?

His older brother is 14 and in 9th grade. They would probably end up in same classes because it is a relatively small high school (Honors English, Integrated Math 2, Spanish, Chorus!) They get along well- but I worry that it could also negatively impact our older son. He is 2E- does great at grade level, but struggles enough with writing and inattentive ADHD that he has to work hard with lots of supervision. I worry that we are treading on delicate ground- especially given cross country moves that complicate life for military kids to begin with.