I think we're perhaps the opposite. Hubby and I are both gifted, and expected that our daughter would be too, but while we're on the lookout for evidence of it, it's actually really hard to tell.

She hit all her milestones really early, but she has none of the 'burn to learn'. Almost the opposite. She's seriously opposed to anything that requires sustained effort/focus. But she still seems to accumulate knowledge and skills at a faster rate than her peers.

They gave her a test at school to see if she qualified for the enrichment program, and her scores were all over the place, but the test was given in a foreign language that she's only been learning for a year. So who knows (but they let her into the program anyway - yay!).

We'll test her again when she's older (she's still only 5), and we're also thinking about testing for ADHD. Which we suspect we both have too.

Last edited by LazyMum; 08/29/18 04:18 AM.