Same here on assuming they'd be smart but not really knowing about giftedness or not. Dd7 surprised us a lot with her verbal/language skills but even then we didn't realize how unusual she was because she was our first. Ds6 surprised us when we realized how intuitive math is to him -- he's average/slightly above avg in reading so we didn't think he was gifted and then we started teaching dd7 math and he surpassed her. The final surprise was their test results. They've never been IQ tested and we think we're all MG as a family but dd7 blew the OLSAT out of the water and to my endless surprise DS6 also blew the NNAT2 out of the water (our gifted coordinator chose nnat for him because I candidly told her he doesn't test well and that I thought he'd do badly on the OLSAT... But I didn't know she switched until we got the results (

Last edited by JBD; 08/27/18 06:43 AM.