Excellent points, totally agree on the attention span and books being clues.

If there was science or math involved both of my kids were mesmerized. It didn't need to be dumbed down or made into a kids show to hold their attention (in fact they quickly outgrew many kids shows). DS would grab university physics textbooks off our shelves for bedtime.

Inquisitiveness was another biggie. The toddler "why" phase was more of a who/what/when/where/and why interrogation phase. Non stop questions as if his life depended on it. Usually going super deep and off on a few tangents. (DS in particular never left this phase - luckily now he can read and has google)

That and their memory. You couldn't flippantly promise them to do something later or next week - they'd hold you to it. Remember when you said..... uggg. I quickly learned to NEVER promise anything I wasn't positive was going to happen.

Last edited by chay; 08/28/18 12:28 PM.