Hello lnewman. Yes, I have a DD8 who is a DYS and is also multi-exceptional with severe, combined ADHD, ASD and dysgraphia. We also didn’t really know most of this until first grade.
First, let me acknowledge the challenge and the struggle. It is huge and unrelenting. Please prepare yourself for continuous advocacy and support.

Second, if there is a perfect environment for these kids, we haven’t found it.

Third, we are currently on our sixth prescription medication trial and counting. This after a time of being “against” medicating. Ultimately, we realized it was in her best interest, so here we are.

We will be starting an all gifted public school this fall with an IEP and significant supports. We’ve had to fight for all of these opportunities and we expect to continue to do so as long as we believe it is the best decision for her. No one seems to be an expert on these kids, plus they are each so unique, so I’ve had to become an expert on mine.

I would recommend trying the private OT, the social skills, and finding which therapists connect with your kid and which seem to help. No one can do them all, so don’t beat yourself up about that, but stick with what works for your kid. We are currently doing hippotherapy, which she really loves. And fight with the school for pragmatic speech, counseling, OT. Your kid doesn’t have to be failing to qualify for these things, despite what they may tell you. State laws are different, but if you find a good education advocate they can help you fight for what he needs and qualifies for.

Hang in there. They really are amazing human beings. The rest of the world just doesn’t quite know what to do with them yet wink