Welcome! smile

It appears as though you signed up a few months ago but this is your first post. You may have been reading the forum for awhile and may already know the following:

For new members, the first several posts are held for moderation, to help prevent spambots. Unfortunately this means that sometimes a new member's first few critical posts may go unnoticed... by the time they are approved, they may have rolled off the "Recent Posts" list. Fortunately they can still be found by clicking on "Active Topics", then selecting "Unanswered Posts".

At times the forum may be less active and members may not get answers they are hoping for. Read all you can about ASD, ADHD, IEP, 504. Some of the following resources may be helpful:
- wrightslaw
- Understood.org
- Davidson Guidebooks - including new Guidebook: 2e
- SENG video: The Misdiagnosis of Gifted Children
- book: Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults
- old post with link to article comparing gifted characteristics and ASD characteristics
- post with checklist comparing gifted and ASD traits (hat tip to BananaGirl)
- post with link to Gifted Resource Center of New England (GRCNE) article comparing gifted and ASD traits (hat tip to Nolepharm)
- roundup on Individual Education Plans(IEP) and 504
- Wrightslaw: Writing Smart IEPs
- IEP recommendations
- possible ideas of what to include in a 504
- Knowing one's strengths and owning one's weaknesses (hat tip to Platypus101)
- books for kids, to help them understand their learning disabilities
- roundup of advocacy resources and threads

Originally Posted by lnewman
Title 1 so I'm not even sure that there are the resources to manage a child who is gifted AND has ASD as well as ADHD.
It is my understanding that US law requires providing remediation/accommodation for disability.
- Wrightslaw page on Autism
- Wrightslaw page on ADD/ADHD