One has to wonder at the hypocrisy of De Blasio and Carranza. If elite academic schools are so antithetical to the values each hold dear, then why did they both enrolled their own children in such schools? De Blasio's son graduated from Brooklyn Tech - perhaps he simply resented that the score cut-off was set a bit too high at the slightly more selective schools like Stuyvesant? Carranza enrolled his daughter at Lowell High School, one of only two selective academic schools in the San Francisco system previously overseen by him - perhaps he is entitled to a different standard because as a Latino he is de facto a disadvantaged minority deserving of a handicap over low income Asian and white students?

It is rather stunning that almost 25% of the the NYC public schools have selective criteria. Yet it makes sense as a method to keep the more academically inclined students from fleeing the public school system. Based on the current distribution of students in NYC, it would seem that even after eliminating all selective criteria schools, the system would still come under attack by Carranza and De Blasio unless it eliminated AP, GT or honors classes or simply make sure all such classes enrolled almost 70% black and Latino students because how else would NYC schools be equitable?

Last edited by Quantum2003; 06/18/18 12:23 PM.