Two more thoughts came to mind this afternoon. The reason I thought that the difference between 137 and 145 would be bigger is because I read somewhere that as you move farther away from the norm the difference between the scale points becomes greater. Does that make sense? So the difference between someone who scored 107 and 115 wouldn't be as great as two children who score 137 and 145. Is that right?

Also, after reading your response I am wondering if perhaps the test results show that my son is more academically-gifted (i.e. book learning; he can learn rules, memorize, etc.) instead of creatively-gifted? He did take the CogAT through the schools and scored in the 99% on both Verbal and Quantitative but in the 95% for Nonverbal, which I've heard measure creativity better. I've heard that the Verbal and Quantitative sections are more indicative of academic success. What do you think?