Originally Posted by sanne
In math, my son skipped from 1st to mid-4th grade, did 5th grade in 2 months, only did part of 6th grade before skipping to 9th (in 4th grade). This was through the local district's virtual charter school.

I put him into public (5th grade), where he was grade skipped mid year to 6th, and subject accelerated into 8th grade math. The only holes are differences in curriculum, and they're seriously no biggie. He could have them covered in a week or two of self-study.

This exactly.

Originally Posted by sanne
I think we underestimate our children's capacities. I think we often underestimate their social skills too. My son was a loner, social reject in elementary school until 5th grade he found a friend in his classroom who was grade skipped 2 grades. Now that he is grade stepped he has a lot of friends. I can't even keep track of them all. smile I did not expect it!

And this. Aptly put.

Originally Posted by sallymom
I accelerated two years and graduated at 16, I was successful academically but it is difficult to always be the youngest and you are exposed to things when you are two years younger than your same grade peers. Good luck with your decision!

This is why it's important for parents to consider the personality and temperament of their children before the skip. I don't say this to minimize your experience in any way, but just to point out that social gaps from single or multiple accelerations aren't experienced the same way by all accelerants. As with any parenting decision, it comes down to the individual child. smile

What is to give light must endure burning.