I'd recommend you consider the possibility of a grade skip to hasten the timeline to gifted. Reviewing your daughter's case against the Iowa Acceleration Scale would give you an assessment of her suitability for a grade skip. It's a good time of year to get the wheels in motion for the 2018-19 academic year.

I'm in somewhat of a similar situation with my DS6. He's telescoping two grades in a small private school within a mixed-age class. What we've done is have him do additional work in other subject areas at school--usually extra pleasure reading--and he completes Beast Academy with me at home for 20-30 minutes per night. With that minimal time commitment, he's easily going to be able to complete 2 BA grade levels in one year. You could probably complete one grade per year with 10-15 minutes per night.

For the current year, or assuming she remains in a lock-step aged-linked classroom, I'd advocate for a blend of (3) and (4). Provide your preferred curriculum to her from home, explain her assignment to her in advance, and have her attempt to complete it to the best of her ability in class. Gauge the extent to which the content and format fit her needs--both academic and executive function--and maneuver from there.

You might be pleasantly surprised at how much executive function your child can marshal when motivated to do interesting work. I certainly was. My DS6 is doing solo acceleration work for about 3 hours per day in class across several subjects, and he is given a daily checklist and set of assignments to complete. The teacher monitors loosely and provides alerts to switch subjects if necessary, but he is now mostly able to self-regulate and complete his work within the allotted time.

If you do opt for this arrangement, be aware of some of the distractions that might exist in class for your DD as she separates from the group (noise from class discussion, disruption from other students moving around, etc.). Simple solutions, like ear defenders or a more private desk location, can help her stay on task.

What is to give light must endure burning.