Does anyone here have experience with gifted IEPs in Nevada?

History: DS8 skipped third grade last year. He's highly- to profoundly-gifted in every academic area except writing. He was also having trouble with articulation, so last year, along with deciding to do the gradeskip, we also got him put on an IEP due to his speech trouble. In that IEP, we were able to include OT and accommodations for writing.

Now the speech therapist is saying he no longer needs speech services and wants to exit him from the IEP. The committee believes that his writing impairment is largely a motor issue, which excludes him from IEP eligibility for a specific learning disability in written expression. (I'm still not sure about that because writing is the only motor skill that he has so much difficulty with, but let's assume for now that I can't get them to agree with me there.) However, he still needs OT and accommodations for writing. His classroom teacher and I both feel like a 504 isn't enough to guarantee his needs in that area are met throughout his school years.

In the Nevada Administrative Code, there is also an eligibility category for gifted and talented. He easily qualifies there based on his KTEA scores from last year. BUT our school district has never done such a *crazy* thing as give a gifted kid an IEP just for being gifted, lol. They looked online to try to find the forms, and it's not even an option in the IEP section.

They agreed to do full IQ testing to sort out if there is a processing issue, etc., which they refused to do last year. They'll be doing another fine motor/visual/perceptual assessment. Also, more speech assessments to make sure he's performing normally there now.

So... does anyone here have experience with gifted IEPs in Nevada and what that process would entail?