Originally Posted by RRD
I wonder if maybe many gifted kiddos need to know "why" rules exist in the first place. It's not enough that there are rules, they need to understand their purpose in order to respect them.

Not quite a kiddo, but this is how I'm wired. A rule should accomplish something, and that something should be useful and not abusive. I expect her mother is wired the same, and so we parented DD accordingly. If we could not come up with a valid explanation for why a rule should be, then it wasn't.

You'd be surprised at how many nonsensical traditional rules have been passed on to you until you view them through that lens.

That doesn't mean DD always got the answer on the spot, though, because occasionally the reason was not age-appropriate. She had to trust us and accept, "We'll explain it when you're older." If she chose not to accept that as an explanation, we played the parent card. But we'd earned that trust by giving her good answers in all previous cases, and we built on that by revealing hidden answers when she reached an appropriate maturity level, all of which limited the necessity of the parent card.