Hey folks,

I'm struggling a bit with a just-turned-5 yo who looks for loopholes in my instructions. This isn't new behaviour; she's been lawyering me since forever. But now I think she's probably old enough to understand 'letter of the law v spirit of the law' - if I could find the words to explain it well myself.

Anyone have any good links that could help me find the words to explain it clearly to a 5 year old?



Editing to expand a bit:

I've tried searching using lots of different terms but google just keeps giving me results for kids with defiance/anger issues. DD5 isn't defiant, or angry, or unhappy. She doesn't throw tantrums, she isn't rude. She's just always looking for a way to win. She can be pedantic, she can be sweet, she can turn on the tears, whatever tool in her belt will get her the best result for that person/situation. Which is normal, of course, but by god it's tiring. Even in utero she wouldn't let me lie on my LHS, she would kick and kick until I rolled over. This girl has willpower and a drive to dominate (possibly genetic - there's a Franco general hiding in the closet). She's also honest, emotional, social, loves making people laugh, and a bunch of other good stuff, so I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but she has a very strong drive to win/dominate. I can't find the words to explain to her that we're a team and our goal is to have a happy, strong family, so we have to work together to achieve that, and trying to outwit me or look for loopholes in my instructions, just means that our team loses.

Last edited by LazyMum; 03/04/18 04:22 AM.