The full time gifted program at school provides 1 grade acceleration in all subject areas. I am sure he is benefited out of it and is happy. He has a lot of friends and is very social. He loves reading and reads middle school and high school level novels all the time. He loves his math and can handle much more than what the program can offer. At home, he always does math that is at least two grades ahead.

I am not clear on what else I should be offering him. I am constantly worried if I am doing full justice. I am also unclear whether he is getting enough opportunities to work at his complete potential. Please provide the factors that can quantify and determine these variables.

He almost never loses in anything he has hands on like math competitions, art contests etc.. He can do wonderful pencil sketches. I know that I have to do something better for him. I do not know what and how.

I thought DYS can definitely help him, if he qualifies. Now that it is a dead end for me, I have no clue how to proceed. Sorry to sound so desperate and naive. Please shed some light on what I can possibly do.

Indigo "qualifying for a variety of memberships, summer camps, and other programs."

- Could you please detail on these?