Thanks, aeh. I feel better with a second opion on the accuracy of the origianl DX and MY years-old feeling that he doesn't read like he should. I did try to make the argument in our initial meeting that it didn't matter if he was reading on grade level, his achivement is like 2-3 standard deviations below his expected ability. I don't think this new school psych has any knowledge about 2E. Everybody in the meeting was against further testing, except the principal, who told them to at least do some in-classroom testing.

I'm really on the fence about whether I should try to protest their ruling to a higher authority OR just get some OG curriculum and do it myself, or hire a tutor. Trying to argue about it will waste possibly MONTHS of time, almost certainly the rest of this school year. Trying to do it myself or hire a tutor is expensive and time-consuming. I have a teaching degree but no actual experience in teaching early reading skills or OG curriculums. (He's been using since November, but I have no idea if it's really solid. But it's cheap, and he enjoys it, and it's not hurting anything.)