Originally Posted by Owgrauph
He was, but not properly. He has had a med change since that has seemed to unlock his brain a bit. It does make me wonder if that would change the VCI score. It seems like such a Large gap!
Anything's possible, but usually I wouldn't expect to see much immediate change in the VCI with a med change, unless he is extremely distractible even by ADHD standards. The consistency of the subtest scores does suggest that the index scores are generally real. The sense in which better management of ADHD may change the VCI scores is most likely a long-term one--if his verbal scores have been lowered by chronic inattention, once he is paying better attention, he will absorb information and vocabulary at closer to his optimal level, which may result in higher scores in the future, as his knowledge and skill acquisition catches up to his actual capacity.

It may be simply that he is a visual spatial/math kind of person, who doesn't have exceptional gifts in language-related areas. Nothing wrong with that. Do you have IRL concerns about him? Does he perform at an age-appropriate level in reading and writing tasks? Above? Below? Is there formal achievement testing data on him from this or another eval?

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...