Please help me understand what these scores mean for my son. He has adhd and has a hard time staying focused on anything he�s not especially interested in. I understand with his low VCI scores he wouldn�t do well in a gifted program at school but I�d hate to ignore what the 99.9% VSI could mean. Thanks

FSIQ 122 93% Superior
Verbal Comprehension 106 66% Average
Visual Spatial 147 99.9% very superior
Fluid Reasoning 124 94% superior
Working Memory 112 79% high average
Processing Speed 105 63% average

Verbal Comprehension:
Similarities 11
Vocabulary 11

Visual Spatial:
Block design 18
Visual puzzles 18

Fluid Reasoning:
Matrix reasoning 14
Figure Weights 14

Working Memory:
Digit span 12
Picture span 12

Processing Speed:
Symbol search 11
Coding 11