Depends on your state. It is likely that she is already in the RTI process, since she was identified in the first month as needing daily pull-out reading support. If you are in an RTI state, they will want to collect at least 6-8 weeks of data from her reading pull-out. Simultaneously, you can request special education evaluation. This may include a comprehensive psychoeducational eval with formal testing, or it may be that they find her lack of reading progress sufficient data to support more intensive special education services. It will take about the same amount of time to wind your way through the initial evaluation process as it will for RTI to collect intervention response data, so you might as well do them in parallel.

In most states, the process to getting a special education evaluation is fairly simple: request one in writing, stating your specific concerns (reading). The district will have between 5-10 days (depending on the state) to respond in writing with a consent to test, or a refusal to act. Given that they already have concerns about her reading progress, for the second year in a row, it is more likely than not that they will at least remain in conversations with you regarding an evaluation.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...