My boys can do school math...factor polynomials....good...test on polynomials...100%. Good. Look at world in a mathematical way, yes. Make connections between math and life yes.

But do they live, breathe and dream Contest math whizzes? No. Do they find the beauty in math, no

And because it is something the actually have to work a bit at and learn (and don't know it BEFORE the teacher teaches it) they feel, or at some point have felt "bad in math". 100% A on report cards constantly yet they feel bad at math.

The truth is they might not be Cal tech or MIT bound good at math, but they are "smarter than the average bear" good at math. The act disappointed In their math sat score like they will need to take remedial math in college when depending on major my senior will have credit for AP statistics (5) and AP AB Calculus and BC Calculus (assuming he does well). They are globally gifted with specific talents and preferences more in the verbal, language, humanities which makes them feel "bad in math".

I have worked hard on dispelling this bad in math issue for 7 years.

Last edited by Cookie; 09/28/17 04:47 AM.