Originally Posted by sanne
My son was struggling in math because he was doing things in his head that he shouldn't. Why? He's concerned about forestry and wasting trees by writing out his work. We went hiking/camping in a managed/logged forest to show him that there are viable alternatives to clearcutting that are commercially used. And we check for recycled and/or sustainable sourced stamps on paper products. For a while he was using a white board to show his work too. He shows his work now an is doing well in math.

Any chance her math difficulty / paper usage difficulty has nothing to do with math at all?
Several of the comments show how environmentalist zealotry can cause problems. Someone who understands the free market will know that we won't run out of trees because profit-seeking companies will plant more trees as long as there is demand. I have explained to my children why The Lorax is abominable agitprop.