Originally Posted by ultramarina
She quite possibly has attention issues. Her handwriting is fine, but small, and as I said, she has this weird compulsion (I use that word intentionally) to fit everything on one page and not use extra paper.

Let's see if I can add some more background. Without sounding braggy, DD is generally good at everything. Because she has always expressed resistance to/lack of interest in math, we have set it aside as "not her thing." I suspect that if she weren't all-around high ability, we would have paid more attention to the sparks in this area that flash from time to time. It's of interest that her standardized test scores in math are always higher than in reading (not that those are not high, but math scores are always 99%). She may just score higher on math SAT than verbal. But she thinks of herself as a writer and artist. BTW, though, she loves Vi Hart.

Are you sure you aren't talking about my DD? I swear this sounds just like mine. Sigh. What is it about fitting all the work into a teeny tiny space?? Both DD's had this horribly long math packet last night - hours long - and DD11 was making math errors because she couldn't read her own problems. I'm not sure how the teachers read her work. These math sheets give about an inch for a complicated algebra problem. I suggested she use another piece of paper, and you would I have thought I was suggesting something illegal.
My DD (diagnosed with ADHD but questions remain) also is much more interested in writing and art. She always says she hates math (and then gets A's despite the hatred).