Portia, you know I so enjoy our talks, and I feel we have many similarities in our backgrounds and preferences. As a (fellow?) intellectual/professional dilettante speaking from experience, I've found taking a project or cause-based approach has made me happiest.

I'd recommend you spend some time quietly reflecting on the experiences of motherhood and homeschooling that have been most appealing to you. What memories with your DS stand out most? Which of his needs required the most ingenuity to meet? Are there any setbacks you encountered along the way that you think need to be solved for a large population of students? Do you feel strongly that your chosen approach to educating your DS should be economically available to more families? What role did 2E play in your experience? Etc.

For outside resources, uou might like to pair your introspection with the book "What Color is Your Parachute". It provides a structured point of departure for determining subjects, work environments, causes, and work attributes preferences, it's a quick read, and available at most public libraries.

Here's a quick example

You loved the toddler years and designing play-based games for your DS. Maybe you're a candidate to design a specialized pre-school curriculum that provides differentiated learning options, which you could license electronically to school districts or sell through a proprietary chain of schools you run. If you feel strongly about equality in access to education, it could be started as a philanthropic initiative and donated to those in need.

Happy to discuss further in PM. smile

What is to give light must endure burning.