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Originally Posted by AurorAKP
My meeting at school went fine, the school is well aware of his academic level, yet the most stress is placed on his social development, which I agree, is not something to dismiss. I just feel he is so out of balance with his academic level that it will be excruciating for him to sit in school for six hours, with no additional stimulation during that time. I will see how it goes when the school starts. His last year teacher said she never in twenty years had a child this bright, and that she believes he simply needs a one-on-one work in math where his MAP math score (259) now in first grade is at the 11th-grade level.
Glad to hear the meeting went well. And yet I'm not sure that it did, if there has been no movement toward a plan to meet his very advanced mathematical needs. To thrive, kids need both appropriate academic challenge and intellectual peers.

There are resources for direct teaching of social skills, body language, perspective taking, friendship, etc. Many resources are available for a parent to use with their child at home. Here is a brief roundup of a few examples of resources:
- book: 100 social rules for kids (hat tip to sanne)
- direct teaching of non-verbal cues
- direct teaching of friendship
- direct teaching of perspective taking
- link to an article on the Davidson Database, Tips For Parents: Gifted Children's Friendships
- post with roundup of articles on friendship.

Is it possible to suggest/recommend/invite your son's teacher to join the Davidson Educators Guild?