I think the article is pretty much what I would expect from the Guardian on the topic. The perspective is right in line with their politics.

In my own life, before I knew I was gifted (found out at age 40), I often made those types of comments. I'm not smart, just focused, just observant, just persistent, etc. My parents knew, btw, just chose not to share the info with me. I know my mom doesn't believe in gifted. My dad is probably gifted himself, but has never been tested. He's dyslexic, so would have been 2e.

This is a sore subject with me. I believe "gifted" encompasses far more than IQ, but I also believe that my two IQ gifted kids need more academic challenges and a different kind of support than they are currently receiving in school. I support them at home and fill in what gaps I can, but I would like to see the shools do more. They receive funding in our state for gifted ed and they have special programs, but the programs are all hat and no cattle, at least in our experience.

As long as we have major publications disputing the existence of the gifted the schools will feel justified in ignoring the needs of these kids. Some will find their mojo in spite of obstacles, but others will not reach their full potential. It's a pity this topic is so emotionally charged for so many people.