I have been considering the issue of readiness for college beyond academics. DS and DD are both incoming 9th graders who are taking their first courses at our local community college. They are both doing fine and the quality of the courses has been reassuring so far. I believe they will develop significantly in writing, which is the major focus/criterion of both of their courses. For the kids on this forum, conceptual understanding is never the issue and if that were the sole basis many of our kids would be in college by 11 if not earlier. Writing skills and executive functioning skills probably push the suitable age by a couple of years or more. However, the issue of emotional maturity and "adult themes" tends to be less in our consciousness. Yet that is the only issue that has crossed my mind as my kids navigate their first college experience. While at age 14, DS/DD are "fine" with that "final barrier" as well, I am not sure that I would have subjected them to this environment too much earlier (maybe a year or so at most). Obviously, math would not be an issue but why go there when AoPS would be more vigorous/in-depth. Science as well as economics/accounting/business courses mostly would not be an issue either.

Last edited by Quantum2003; 07/21/17 10:31 AM.