My opinion may not be any better informed than anyone else's, but having spoken with Marc Smolowitz, I would say that I don't think the intention is to imply that anyone can be gifted. (Nor do I think this most recent segment says this.)

It is my understanding that one intention of the documentary is to broaden understanding of those that are twice or thrice exceptional or otherwise don't appear to be "typically gifted" insomuch as is usually recognized by teachers and the general population. In fact, Mr. Smolowitz has a specific interest in the gifted prison population and exploring their experiences with the education system as children. This doesn't seem divisive to me- but I have a 2e child who most teachers don't "get," so I can see how all these things could be related.

The scope of the documentary does seem large. I am interested in the final outcome. It has a lot of potential to open discussion in areas that haven't been well explored.