Originally Posted by momtothree
My questions: is there any way he can be labelled gifted? If the Math scores are so low compared to the other scores- should we be concerned? Do we share this with the school or leave it?
For your first question, I think it will likely depend on the school/school district and what they use to officially define gifted as. Those scores would have qualified for a 1 day a week pull out in my children's previous school but they would not qualify for anything at their current school. Both schools were very strict about whatever number they happened to use as the cutoff but that isn't always the case everywhere.

For the "should we be concerned" part - depends. As mentioned above - is he having challenges with school work? Have teachers mentioned it before?

My response for sharing it with the school is also it depends. Is there any sort of gifted programming available? Do classroom teachers change their teaching/materials/etc with a gifted label? Do they understand the meaning of the results? If they routinely ignore gifted kids then there isn't really much point in my mind (sorry that is very cynical but that is based on our experience).