My DS is *extremely* visual spatial, and literally quivers with glee on any kind of math that is very visual and/ or patterned - geometry is his favourite, number theory too. Algebra is more a set of tools he's resigned to learning because it helps him do the fun stuff (unless there's Cartesian planes involved, then all is well in the world again). He really has no interest in anything that involves working with equations - unless he's graphing them, in which case he can spend half a day on Desmos inventing and manipulating equations to see what they do.

All that to say, some people tend to the extremes on whether they prefer the visual geometry-type math vs the more linear algebra kind, so it's great to have exposure to both. DS found AoPS Algebra rather tedious until he saw enough of what comes after to realize that he really wanted to master these tools so that he would be able to do the things that do excite him.

ETA: DS favorite math is actually Math Kangaroo problems - very visual and about thinking sideways, and quite different from the kind of math usually in the curriculum. the samples are fun to play with: