I haven't posted in a long while, and my son (age 13) had a pretty smooth road through middle school. He had to work a bit in English in 8th grade on some of the writing assignments and also in Spanish, but math has continued to be a breeze for him. He took Geometry this year and I don't think he missed any points on anything all year (except one forgotten homework). He'll be in Algebra 2 next year in 9th. He scored a 290 something on his spring MAP test. He puzzled his teacher this year (he had her for both 7th&8th) because all her other high achigh achievers had to work harder but also loved math in a way my son doesn't. He just seems to "get/intuit" the math and so finds it boring. He will be doing engineering in the fall, although he's not psyched about it, and is debating to stay in band instead (My preference) but my husband hopes that the engineering course will show him some applications of math and increase his interest. I think his true interest lies in applied statistics for sports or economics. Just looking for anyone who's faced similar issues. I'm not sure if anything needs changing...