Thanks for the responses. I have contacted the SLP to let her know that the homework is not going down too well at the moment. It is the last week of term, so I will let DD have a break this week and then she has 3 weeks off to rest.

I like the look of the AAS program. I am guessing it is based on American pronunciation and spelling? Would it work with Australian English? or does anyone know of a similar program for Australian English?

polarbear, yes DD did have a DCD diagnosis. Not sure where that stands now. She does OT still, and she really likes doing it, and is fine with the homework mostly, although there is some writing work going on there too to develop her text construction skills. Her handwriting is pretty good now, but it's definitely possible that motor skills as well as spelling are making it strenuous for her.

On the upside, she is finally discovering a love of reading to herself. She has always loved being read to, and listening to audiobooks. But the last couple weeks she has started reading during her quiet time before bed, and saturday I actually decided to let her stay up a bit late because she was enjoying a book, and I told her she could have 20 more minutes until lights out. She said, 'please come down and tell me when I have to go to sleep because I am too engrossed in this story to notice the time'.

She also started writing a story this week. She is okay with the fact that she has to interpret some of the words for me because of the spelling. She was proud of the story. So she seems to be okay writing if it is self initiated. Although not for too long at a time.