Originally Posted by sunnyday
But...in the end it feels like it's all back on me. They're flexible, but they're not really going to be the ones taking the initiative on this. So I need to come up with a solution that works for our family, and then bring it to them for them to help me implement it. So that's tough, it is going to take some good conversations with my husband and kids to hash out just where exactly we DO want to go at this point.
This is what it boils down to eventually - you cannot expect 100% custom fit from a public school - but, you are lucky in that they will work with you. Not every school district and administrator can (e.g. lawsuits in our district). So, think of this as an opportunity to come up with a solution that will give your kids the best of both worlds. One word of caution - be careful about suggesting pullouts or custom work packages from home etc - in my school district, this provoked the Tiger Parents to demand the same. Partial homeschooling might work out great if you can pull it off wink That way no one needs to know what acceleration your kids are getting! And no jealousy issues from other kids and angry parents and hassled administrators.