Again, good ideas Indigo.

I have discussed both options with him (staying and going) but we haven't talked through all the details for each path (the latter having more than one option).

Unfortunately the way forward is tangled up with what each of his parents feel is the best for him (not always exactly the same) with both worried and uncertain. Also the current situation involves deciding whether he should tough out the program he's in or pulling him to do what? It's too late to start something else.

When I look at it I would say pull him contingent on his mapping out (and us approving) a learning plan for the final 6 weeks of the school year.

DH would definitely like him to finish the year where he is. I'm second guessing what I think is the best path because of my extra dose of mother empathy. Both parents perspectives are so important. How to reconcile?

He eats voraciously and quite healthily but very good point.