I think she is still deficient in spelling relative to where she ought to be. But, I hadn't considered that the bigger issue might be self-regulation and automaticity skills. She will still misspell words when she's copying a paper in which all of the words are spelled correctly. And while she consistently tests in the high 90's percentile wise on quantitative, fluid, and spatial reasoning skills (from WISC and CogAT), her rote computational skills are at best average. She makes tons of careless mistakes in math class.

I'm still new to all of the ADHD stuff, and I'm trying to figure out how to best help my DD. She seems to have one of those classic stealth inattentive ADHD cases, where she's right at the edge of the mildly/moderately gifted range, is perceived as very bright, and can compensate well enough that she still performs at at least an average level in everything. Part of me feels like I should just chill out, since she's still doing well at school. And part of me feels like I need to do as much as I can to help her now, since the executive function loads will only increase with each school year.

So, I guess over the summer, we will try to focus more on self-monitoring and revising her work. It's going to be a bit challenging, since to her, the moment she writes the final word that she intends to write, she feels that she's finished. And being finished is a big deal to her, which makes her balk at the idea of checking her work.