Reviving this thread to see if there is any more input to be had. Approaching the end of the year and sadly no progress made on the note taking. District brought in a new AT person so I'm hoping change will happen. We have DD's annual IEP meeting and triennial later this week and I want to push for this to be part of her IEP for the coming year. Any input on what goals and objectives should look like? I haven't seen AT guy's recommendations but I think he gets it and will bring in appropriate technology, apps, programs, etc. But what do I ask for in terms of the actual learning to take notes.

As a reminder DD has dyslexia and dysgraphia along with a whole host of other LD and processing issues. Voice to text is her best option but she feels uncomfortable distracting others in the room. She can type but feels like it breaks her concentration. Right now she focuses intently and relies on her memory. Former AT person suggested she just take a few minutes afterwards to make some voice notes but I don't think this ever happened. Learning real time note taking is going to be needed in addition to learning how to use technology to record and make notations so she knows where to go back and listen.