Originally Posted by CFK
Originally Posted by Cathy A
Wow--all these systems sound so complicated compared to the system at my kids' school: any infraction (forgotten homework, talking out of turn, misbehavior on the playground, etc.) is punished by THE RED X. Kids who get a "red x" must literally stand on a red x painted at the edge of the playground during recess. The kids on the x's are supervised by a teacher. They are not allowed to talk while on the x.

I would consider that public humiliation, not punishment (especially for forgotten homework!?!). I would be in the principal's office in a heartbeat if someone did that to my child.

It does seem a bit draconian, but I think the other systems described here pretty much amount to public humiliation, too. I'm not really defending this system, though. It is not very effective. Since the kids get red x's routinely, they don't seem to perceive it as a big deal. It doesn't seem to be any more damaging than timeout, or sitting with your head down during recess or other variations on that theme.

I've given it some thought, and I think that schools' hands are really tied when it comes to discipline. The only privilege they really have to take away is recess, and they have to apply the same consequences to everyone or they will be seen as unfair.

I am not too excited about really against rewards like class parties and buying candies from the teacher for behavior that should be the expected standard. I agree that taking away recess from wiggly kids who need to run off energy doesn't make much sense, but I'm not sure what else the school can take away.

If anybody has an idea for a fair, workable, effective, non-humiliating discipline system, I'd love to hear it! I'm not thrilled about the red x system myself but I've just sort of accepted it since I'm not sure what else can be done.