We have done testing at the GDC very recently. Had couple phone consultations prior to that. Prior to testing we were recommended to do VT. It took us about 9 months of hard work, but the results were phenomenal. The testing itself was very thorough. It included WISC IV with extended forms and an achievement test. The report was very long and detailed. It felt like a many pieces of a puzzle put together into a coherent story that describes our 2e child. We got several useful recommendations and I would say that traveling to the GDC was definitely worth it. It is amazing how important it is to get evaluation from a place that has experience with gifted. It is just a simple statistics, if there is less than 2% gifted kids in the population and 0.1% PG, plus if there is a very small population of kids with some particular learning disability, you end up with an extremely small set of of 2e children in the general population. Even if a specialist in your area claims she/he has experience with 2e children, it cannot be a large sample if the unconditional probability of such a child in the general population is less than 0.001%. Therefore, it is natural to see an equilibrium outcome in which many parents with 2e children travel to one specialist who truly has a large sample and experience. It becomes a stable equilibrium because the more families travel to this specialist, the more experience she gets, and that makes other families even more likely to travel as sell. It just turned out that the GDC were there long time ago and they took on themselves this role. For them gifted kids are their average client and they are not surprised by seeing HG, EG or PG kids. If you want to check whether your local specialist has a real experience with PG kids, ask them whether they know about PG Retreat. If they don't, it means you need to book your travel to the GDC.

Good Luck with your testing!