Twelve years ago I had a phone consultation with Bobbie Gilman at the GDC. She reviewed my son's IQ and achievement scores from a school evaluation where he was determined to be "average but slow." I was worried that she would think I was nuts to think he was gifted, considering the double digit IQ score. But she didn't. Instead, she pointed out that his pattern of strengths and weaknesses was consistent with 2E issues and suggested additional evaluations that we could pursue.

That conversation was a turning point in how I understood my son and in my approach to his difficulties. A few years later, after many therapies and much remediation, he was evaluated again and found to have a GAI approaching the HG range and dyslexia.

I will be forever grateful to Ms. Gilman for her ability to see a clear picture of my son through a mire of average and low average scores when no one else could and for communicating that clarity to me. I suspect that my son would be on a different path today if she had not.

That said, there has been some controversy surrounding the GDC and its founder over the years that you may want to research before committing to an evaluation with them.