No. We did not go forward with that testing because she got in to the school we wanted her to. I also wonder how much of this testing score is influenced by the fact that they pulled her off the playground at recess to do it and that it was the day of a major event here...Mardi Gras! I'm annoyed by it, but not making excuses. The teacher thinks she likely just didn't understand the matrices directions. She's never seen anything like it. I did not coach her in any way whatsoever.

As for the other commenter that mentioned I said she has lower skills, I meant relative to her sister, not the general public. She's in prek 4 and is adding and subtracting in her head with numbers to 20, doing 100 piece puzzles, etc. Her sister could do 200 or 300 pieces at this age, but your typical prek kiddo does 6 and maybe 8 piece tray puzzles. My point being that she is clearly above average. Her music teacher has 800 students and says she is the highest student he has ever taught. Ever.

Lastly, she is in French immersion school and is already almost fluent after only a semester. The tests are obviously all in English, so I wonder how that influences the scores as well.

Thanks to everyone for your input!!