My DS took the KBIT 2 at pretty much the same age. He scored 126 verbal, 110 non-verbal, and 121 composite. I requested further testing because it did not seem accurate (especially the non-verbal because DS a visual spatial mathy type...) and DS was given the WPPSI IV and scored in the gifted range. A year later we did the SBV for gifted school admission and DS scored a 19 on non-verbal fluid reasoning (which I think is pretty much the same thing the Non-Verbal IQ score is based on with the KBIT 2).

Obviously this does not mean anything about your child or her scores, but just an example of a child for whom the KBIT definitely was an underestimate. I would say that if you feel strongly that the score isn't accurate and you really think your DD would benefit from that gifted program that you should request an actual IQ test. It sounds like you have the teacher to back you up and with a screener it is always possible that the subtests just didn't capture your Daughter's skills.