Oh also learn how to use the accessibility features and Apps on common technology like iPads and computers. If you have an iPad the Apple Store could go over those features with you. Oh! That might be something the Lions club could get for you.

The augmentative and alternative communication/technology department (AAC/T) of your school district. Might not be able to provide services but surely they could tell you names of apps, technology, and equipment they recommend for low vision elementary school kids. Also they probably run tons of workshops, you could ask to attend any on low vision technology and elementary students.

Oh and in my state (Fl) we have something called CARD (Center for Autism and related disorders which includes those who are deaf and blind- as in have both conditions. Not saying your state has exactly that but maybe there is something like that in your state. They are very familiar with autistic children being 2e (both gifted and autistic). So they would certainly understand gifted and low vision and the conundrum of EI only serving the low vision the way they are doing it. They are so tuned into this world I bet they would send you in the right direction. So maybe your state has something similar.