My son is only 6, but three recent read alouds that he really enjoyed were The Secret Garden, The Wind in the Willows (I edited out the word ass throughout, saying instead I've been so stupid or silly instead of I've been such an ass), and Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. He especially loved The Wind in the Willows and made me reread it immediately. I personally found reading it to be very difficult, I swear every sentence is like 5 run on sentences all smooshed together. Plus I found it boring. But he loved it!

I preview everything I read to him or give him to read. Some of the most recent books I've given him to read are Howl's Moving Castle, Time Cat, Augie and the Green Knight, and Norby the Mixed up Robot. Since we are a sci fi/fantasy family I am always looking for kid friendly stuff in those genres. DS has also recently been very into reading Winnie the Pooh and has the cutest voices he uses for the different characters.

Like I said, my son is only 6 and might be well behind where you guys are at, but I thought maybe even some lower level ideas might help out some. We read at all different levels and are always looking for good books that are kid safe anywhere from early chapter books to books written for adults. Hope you find some good stuff smile