That's all you can do! Try, and if it doesn't work, try something else. smile

Remember, my son is VERY clear when he is not in the right place academically. Pushing through was clearly not an option. Not all kids are like that.

Too, I figure there's no point in my pulling him out of a bad fit at school if I'm just going to treat him the same way, giving him material that isn't developmentally appropriate. But I had to make him miserable for a while before I realized that. I'm afraid I'm not the most flexible person in the world myself... blush

Live and learn, right? I just figure that the worst thing that can happen is that he doesn't get much out of the next few months of math. Well, he's years ahead of public school right now, so I don't think that's a tragedy, really. And if our plan is not working, we'll just try something else. "Perfectionist homeschooler" is an oxymoron!

That line of thought helps me a lot. smile No pressure, see? No pressure.

(I'll just keep saying that, and maybe one day I'll believe it!) wink
