Polarbear - thank you for your thoughtful reply and insights. I am grateful for your experience and wisdom. As you can tell I am really struggling with next steps. My husband is less "worried" and is taking a more passive approach. I am a wreck.

I too am worried about calling him an underachiever if he does have a challenges. Actually it's not an if, we know he does have vision, EF, maybe ADHD and possibly other 2E struggles.

The school - a challenging private school - believes he is underachieving because they see the NPR 99 on all of his Iowa Testing, which of course is just a snapshot. They see in class that he knows the material intellectually but struggles with output.

I can easily travel to a nearby 2e specialist for testing in CA or AZ. I am in Nevada. I can't justify going to Colorado for CAPD or an OT for SPD testing when I don't think those are the primary issues.

Of course I am not objective enough to diagnose my own child but I don't want to put him through unnecessary testing either.

Thus I go to a 2E specialist and hope they can point me down a path based on their testing??? I look at the testing as a starting point in our journey.