I recently filled out the paperwork to have my son tested at the GDC in Denver. I had a previous evaluation done by a neuropsychologist locally but his scores were so scattered I felt I needed someone with 2E experience the second time. During my initial call with the GDC, they raised a number of issues that they suggest we look into before he gets tested.

Among possibilities that they raised and we suspect are: ADHD, Visual Processing, CAPD, dysgraphia.

In the first evaluation, he was diagnosed as ADHD. We tried medication but it didn't work. He has also had Vision Therapy for 6 months which helped some but didn�t solve the problem.

We are completely confused because even though he has some symptoms of some of the above he doesn�t really fit any of them completely. When I read about CAPD for instance it just doesn�t sound like him but who knows. I am so dizzied up at this point.

GDC suggested Abel Kids in Colorado for CAPD testing.

But I would like to know if there is one place we can go to do comprehensive and accurate testing for all of the above? Is this even possible? Or will we forever be trying to make sense of his unique cocktail?

Thank you for any help you can provide.