Who administered his WISC-V, and why was he given a WISC - were you pursuing help with understanding why he's had difficulties in school? The reason I ask that is if the testing was part of an evaluation to understand what was happening with reading etc, then usually the evaluator would have recommendations re further testing etc to determine the reason for the significant discrepancy in working memory. There can be many different reasons, not only a reading disability.

If you can let us know if this was part of a school evaluation or private, we can give you some specific advice re what to ask for next to follow up. Some of us have found it's more helpful to have a private evaluation through a neuropsychologist, school evaluations sometimes aren't as thorough or might be biased toward not finding an issue because the school doesn't want to qualify students for services.

We know our DS doesn't have learning issues and his academic is very strong but we were still shocked by his Full Scale IQ score.

It actually does sound like there is *something* going on that's impacting your ds' ability to show his full knowledge in the classroom - you have a history of input from teachers each year of his elementary school education. It might be coincidence, but combined with the discrepancy in scores, it looks like he does have *some* type of learning challenge in place - perhaps not what you'd consider a typical learning disability such as dyslexia etc but there's something going on that's impacting his ability to be successful at school in reading. High ability students are often able to compensate for weaknesses so successfully that no one realizes they are struggling in some way until later on in their education when the demands on the specific skills they struggle with become too high to cope with... conversely it's also not all that uncommon for teachers and parents to not realize how high a student's ability really is when they are having to compensate for a challenge. Hope that makes sense!

In any event, you're on the path to figuring out *what's* going on - and that's what will make all the difference to your ds smile

Best wishes,
