Reviving this thread with some updated information. DD11 recently got a FitBit - she wanted the one that monitors her sleep as well as the number of steps she takes. Just got the first weekly summary. She has been averaging 25 waking a night. Twenty Five!

Also while appearing to be asleep approximately 10 hours per night she has been logging only 8-9 according to the FitBit. I guess when you wake up 25 times you lose a few minutes each time and that can add up...

I knew she was restless but never expected numbers like these. I don't recall her sleep walking during this time period but she did talk, laugh, throw herself about and stand up (on the floor not on the bed although she has done that in the past).

So what to do with this information? Bring it to her pediatrician? Her neurologist? Just hang on to it?