I'll offer an opposing view, with trepidation. While I understand that having a poor sleeper stinks, and we all feel drawn to nurture our children, I have seen this issue wreak havoc on a lot of marriages. (In my experience, usually someone isn't psyched about this arrangement...often it's dad.) For this reason alone, I think it's usually a good idea to try to work on gradual withdrawal from the need for parent presence. Marriage and solo adult time matter.

That said, if you are genuinely HAPPY sleeping with your child, okay, but if you dislike it or are doing it only because you don't know what else to do...research shows that this is a real strain.

FTR, I have one child who has not had much of a problem with this and another who still would prefer sleeping with us, but he goes to sleep alone and sleeps alone. Sometimes he needs a little extra nurturing and snuggle time at bedtime. We have used relaxation scripts and lavender spray and he has a very set routine.