In other news, the Mensa screener test is timed. Interesting.

I didn't finish it. Got scored as average. (They were nice and said "above average", but it was 99-119.) I guess processing speed matters, right? When I realized I was running out of time I started making my brain move faster, but at the beginning I was way too slow. I kept trying to make sure I had the right answer before moving on. Now I know that you're supposed to just book it through.

I've never taken an IQ test, so I wonder how the Mensa screener differs from the standard ones. There were a lot of vocab questions (which I could do in half a second because that has always been my strength), math word problems (that I skipped for time and math is my kryptonite). And of course they had the non-language/visual stuff plus number sequence stuff that I have always thought were common to IQ tests, which I feel confident on but took too much time contemplating.