Originally Posted by AAC
... but the gifted program was just a pull out for one hour once a week for puzzles and challenges.

That was the extent of identification and services for me. I was high achieving in elementary school, and that slowly dwindled through jr. high and high school, leading to a lot of barely-passing grades other than my then-passion of choir by the time graduation rolled around. College was easy and enjoyable with a high GPA once again, though I didn't finish it all in one go (10 year break to pursue other job interests, get married, start a family, then I went to the local CC and got an associate degree).

Aaanyway, my husband and I have been discussing this often now that our daughter has been identified. Could we be...are we...? It's still taboo to me to say the "g" word about our daughter, let alone about ourselves, but a lot makes sense, especially the sensitivities and mental health issues and my husband's "imposter syndrome" at his position at work.